Sunday, October 6, 2019

Zero Roulette System

Zero Roulette System
The game of roulette is often thought to be unbeatable. Here I will attempt to show you that this is just not the case. Some roulette systems play "cold" numbers, or numbers that have not shown for some time and felt to be "due." Other systems play "hot" numbers, or numbers that have repeated and occurred regularly over a short period of time. They have it partly right. To beat roulette, you must combine both methods. It also doesn't hurt if the zero(s) is included to beat the house edge. Below is a simple roulette strategy designed to do just that.
Before I share this little trick with you, let me explain why it works. I have discovered that the numbers of the roulette wheel occur in cycles of 21 spins and create what can be called patterns. In addition, certain sets of numbers tend to trend together thus creating the hot numbers seen so often. These numbers will run for an indeterminate period of time, then stop and not come up again for another indefinite length of time. This is where cold numbers come in. The key to winning roulette is exploiting these short-term patterns, then stopping, and waiting until they re-appear again. Makes sense now that you know the "secret" right? The challenge is locating the patterns and knowing when to start and stop. Here I offer you one way to do this.
The following roulette system bet is for the European wheel only and plays the basket bet, covering the numbers 0 through 3. This is generally considered to be the worst bet to play in roulette; however, this strategy makes the basket bet profitable. Here's how to use it -
European Wheel: Zero Bet
As mentioned, this bet plays the basket bet which covers the numbers 0-1-2-3 and pays 8:1. When you see any 2 numbers from this set (0-1-2-3) appear together within 10 spins, play the basket bet for up to 21 bets. This is because numbers come in cycles of 21 spins. To clarify when you see any of these pairs of numbers within 10 spins play the basket bet: 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, 1/2,1/3 and 2/3.
Example 1:
3 (win)
1 *
0 *
Reading from bottom to top, the 0 and 1 show within 10 spins. You play the basket bet, covering the numbers 0-1-2-3. The fifth spin brings a win with the #3.
Example 2:
2 (win)
1 *
2 *
The numbers 2 and 1 have shown within 10 spins. We wager the basket bet, which wins on the fourth bet with the #2.
Important Rules: Make sure the bet hasn't already "hit" before betting. Already hit means that before you place the wager make sure it hasn't already "hit," or won, in the series of numbers. Do this by making sure the numbers you are playing have not shown 4 or more times in the last 10 numbers. If they have, do not bet. Since the numbers for this bet also trend with the numbers 4, 5 and 6, include these numbers when making sure it hasn't hit. Again, hit is 4 showings in 10 spins. A Zero Bet that has already hit looks like this:
Example 1:
0 *
Example 2:
6 *
6 *
4 *
3 *
1 *
From top to bottom, you would not play because looking back this bet has already hit. It has shown 6 times as we count the numbers 4 and 6.
Note: Although this bet works online, because of the way RNG software works, if you play for real money make sure you have not played the basket bet for at least 6 sessions. Also keep sessions within 15 minutes or less. DO NOT play at Flash casinos. After you have used this bet and won, you cannot use it again for the next 5 sessions! Of course, playing live does not have these restrictions.
European Zero Bet Progression:
1111111 2222 4444 6 6 7 9 9 11 12
50 units for 17 bets
91 units for 21 bets
To reduce bankroll, skip first 4 spins, then play using 17 bet progression.
This is just one way to beat the casino game of roulette. Also, you notice this is only for the European wheel. There is a similar bet for the American wheel, in addition to several other bets. This bet is designed to work in conjunction with 7 other pattern roulette bets.