Sunday, October 6, 2019

Online Roulette - Remembering Mother

Online Roulette - Remembering Mother
It was during my first day of playing online roulette about 5 years ago that I said to myself how good it will be if mother was able to play online roulette. She was, I would say, a roulette lover.
Playing online roulette would definitely benefit her tremendously. Within the confines of her room or at the den, she never has to travel to and fro to play roulette. And the distance from our house to the casino wasn't that short either although not taxing for an old lady like her.
Nevertheless traveling for about 40 minutes wasn't her big concern, it was the thrill of winning that kept her always on her toes. What's more she gets to meet her regular roulette friends numbering quite a sum.
It was touching to remember how they treat each other, like one big family. And boy! They've been playing for over 20 years, twice a week without any let up.
Father was right there with her as always and sometimes the whole family is requested on special occasions to have dinner with their pals. And that's where we got to meet most of their roulette buddies.
Well I must admit though they were mostly past sixty years of age. On the average I would say average of 60-63 years old. Just like mother and father they were all retired trying to enjoy life to the fullest.
One thing very apparent from their group is their love and passion for the game. Despite having to deal with a number of bets, they can converse easily without any hardships following the numbers as they are called out. It was amazing! Hey I guess playing twice a week lead players to that level. As they say practice is a path to perfection.
Now that I play online roulette and continuously enjoy the game, I just cannot help but compare their roulette against my online. Oh yes, there are big differences in convenience, bonus money, tracking of numbers and your roulette buddies.
I don't have to go out and travel all the way to the casino. This way I save on gas and avoid the hazels during after-office traffic.
As far as bonus money is concern, online roulette is way ahead from the brick and mortar bingo, simply because mother's kind of bonus money doesn't provide for such.
So every time I'm online playing my roulette game, I'm reminded of father and mother always together enjoying the game that cemented their love for each other till the end of their lives.