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Early 2010 Juniper Research published a report stating that this year worldwide 380 million people will be active in some kind of mobile gambling.

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Use Your Own Money to Gamble Anywhere You Like

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Time to Play Bingo

Playing "bingo" is a fun activity that is growing in popularity in the U.K and other parts of the world. It has come a long way from just being a past time for older or retired folks to being a hot favorite with all ages and both genders. The number of business houses that sponsor these games is an indication of that. The former name for this game In the U.K was "housey housey"

Today "bingo has grown from being some small board game played by old ladies on the weekends to a multimillion dollar game that even has corporate sponsors and big prize money. There are dedicated venues where players gather and pay a certain fee for joining and play to win big jackpot. However big money game playing is not the only type of gaming that is going on, there is still small games with the afore mentioned old ladies and does not involve any money at all.

Even though there are many variations on the game the two basic ones are the ones played in the U.K and the U.S. Some 70- 80 percent of bingo gaming happens in these countries and that includes online bingo. The U.K version of bingo uses a larger card and rectangular in shape as opposed to the American style which uses a square card and square in shape. However the basic concept of the two styles is very similar, somebody who has played one will not find it difficult to switch to the other.

The basic object of all "bingo" games is to match the numbers you have selected on your card to the ones that either shows up on the random number generator or with the numbers that the "caller" calls out. The caller is the person who watches over the games like a referee, and makes sure that people get the correct "bingo" numbers. There are mechanized games where they use the help of a computer to make the games go faster and work more efficient.

For such a widely played and popular game "bingo" has an obscure origin. Some say it comes from a game that was played in Italy around the 1600's that went by the name, "Lo Giuoco del lotto d'italia" from where it went to France and then to England and other countries. The version that is played in France is different even today to the one played in the U.K and in fact has more commonality with the version played in the U.S.

As mentioned before "bingo" is a very social game and getting together to play with friends is a big part of it. Maybe it is because of this social aspect which has prompted psychologists to say that it is a good stress buster to play with your friends. The health benefits of playing this game are a relatively new theory that has been proven.

No Bull Bingo is a fantastic website which lists the biggest Bingo Bonuses currently available on online bingo websites. Go to No Bull Bingo now to find the biggest bonuses out there!

Traditional Board Games

Board games seem like they've been around forever. Before people played games on their computers, on their phones, and on game systems, board games were the way to go. If you're over thirty years old or so, you probably played board games a lot as a child because there weren't that many other options early on in your life. These games were also a great way for families and friends to bond with one another and have a good time without getting themselves into trouble. Times have certainly changed, but there are still many board games around today that people really enjoy and they are played by families that are more interested in getting back to more wholesome values and regaining a closeness that can be lost to technology.

Chess, Othello, and Checkers are some of the most popular board games, but another one that people don't always include but should is Bingo. Bingo games are a lot of fun, and they can be played in large groups or only by a few people. They can be played on the computer, too, but that isn't the same.

The real way to play bingo is with the cards, the markers and the anticipation of whether you're going to be the first one to win something great - even if it's not a big prize. It can be really fun for people of all ages, and it's not just for older women. A lot of people have the misconception that these women are the only people who play bingo, but young and old, male and female alike all enjoy the game. There are bingo halls all over the world where people get together and play, and they can play in their own homes, too, if they get a few family members and friends over. Part of the appeal of bingo is that it's such a simple game that just about anyone can play, and because it can be easily taught the entire family can get in there and enjoy it without worrying about leaving someone out. There's no hurry to play it fast, and someone can help someone else out if they can't locate the numbers as quickly.

This article was written by Tom Sangers on behalf of Bingosupermarket where you can play bingo online thanks to our guides, reviews and bingo news of the biggest and best bingo sites on the web.